Na kôpke – The first package free shop in Košice

There’s been some change in the air of Košice lately. Various progressive art forms presented in its galleries say so as well as volunteer associations’ activities. Yet the all-encompassing zeal of individuals proves it the most. Take a hidden room inside Park Angelinum for example. Suburbia like, one does not often wander to this area unless living here or attending a nearby school. Something revolutionary is happening and that’s what makes regulars of Košice keep on coming back to this place.

Alexandra Varšová, whose journeys have led her from India, Mexico, and Spain back to Košice, is responsible for the first package free shop in the city. Right here she successfully motivates plastically oriented inhabitants to alternative grocery shopping. Oats, herbs, spices, rice, flour, lentils – all that and much more is waiting for you to pour inside a paper or textile bag. Onomatopoje, a multimedia atelier from Košice, has prepared a short video about Saša and her conscious shop Na kôpke. Scoop up some inspiration and contribute to a permanently maintainable zero waste attitude of the only living planet you got. You’ve probably seen those ocean-contaminated photographs already.

Attracted to package free shopping? Saša will greet you with a smile. Don’t hesitate and stop by at Na kôpke for a few bags and better eco feeling.

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